Saturday, March 25, 2006

Noah has a book!

I know that I've been out of the blogging circle for quite some time now. Its a circle that can be very hard to get noticed in and, thru this last lapse in time, one can be very easily forgotten. There is really a lot of talent out there. Above all, my favorite talent and a real inspiration is Noah Grey. He now has a book. Way to go and I must say it's long over do. I'll be back to give a full report as soon as I get it.
I think that maybe the meds I take have killed my creativity. I used to write so much more than I do now. The sad thing is that I think it may be a fair trade. Let's see...writing in something I'm not too hot at anyway or being close to having cold steel against my teeth. I think I'll take the former and hope that I'm wrong. It's way better than the alternative...