I guess maybe a little lesson for everyone this week. Never give up hope. Hope and prayer and refusing to give up brought Elizabeth Smart home again. I followed closely this story of her abduction. Utah is like a second home to me. My son, my husband and his family are Mormon. It hit hard to me that someone like her was taken. Usually it’s a child from middle or lower class families and within a few weeks the body is found. In the back of my mind as the time slipped away I always expected that. One day I would be reading the news or watching TV and her body would be found in the wilderness of Utah. I felt so horrible for her family. How foolish they must be to continue to hold out after all this time. Nobody comes back after that amount of time. Not alive. Yet here she is, a living, breathing symbol of what hope, faith and determination can bring. Everytime I think of her I get a lump in my throat. I know her ordeal is not over, but belonging to a family like that I know she can get thru anything. My only bad thought on this are those parents who don’t know now and may never know what happened to there children. Who must be watching all this and rejoicing for the Smart family…yet secretly dying inside for there own loss. Not knowing if there question will be answered. Alive or dead? I’m sure at some point either answer is better just to stop the waiting and the unknown.