Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Riding in the truck on Friday with my son and my ex-husband, a rare experience itself, my son starts telling us about this amazing guy he saw on Ripley's Believe It or Not. The details are a little hazy coming from 10 year old. What I got from it, and what he was most impressed by, was that the man had been shot in the head, lost part of his skull and not only lived but only suffered minor brain damage. Lucky guy, right. My son starts telling us how they repaired his head thru plastic surgery. Repaired it using plastic. Me and his dad both tried assuring him that they did not use plastic to replace part of the skull, titanium maybe, but plastic definitely not. He insisted they used plastic. Luckily at this point we were sitting at a traffic light. I turned to my son and again explained that I was sure plastic was not involved. Very flustered and very loudly my son shouts "MOMMMM! Duuuuh! Why do you think they call it PLASTIC surgery for???" and then rolls his eyes in a "I can't believe you could be so stupid" sort of way. Of course at this point me and his dad are in a pretty good fit of laughter and he's looking at us like he missed something. Little moments....:)

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