Tuesday, June 29, 2004

It's funny how a song can take you back. The exact moment. The exact feeling. Suspended in time until the music brings it all rushing back. When 10 years ago seems like the present. I remember our first date. The casino was giving out those stupid playing cards at the door, the ones neither one of us was old enough to use. I think we missed most of that concert lost in conversation. Discovering each other. Watching your fascination with me as I was lost in you. Thrilled just holding your hand. A few weeks later I was teasing you about the amount of trash you could accumulate in the pockets of that big army jacket you wore back then. That night you had gotten the ace of hearts, it was still in your jacket. I wrote on that card the chorus to the lyrics that became our song. You kept that card for years. I wanted you to know how I was feeling. I tried to make it a joke even thou my heart was on my sleeve. You took it from me, I smiled. One tear. I saw it when you looked up. I knew I loved you then, but you actually said it.

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