Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mac vs PC

Somebody gave me a Mac, well two of them actually. One is a pretty good paperweight (blueberry IMac) and the other I been thinking isn't so bad (Indigo IMac, 500mhz, 256MB Ram, CDRW) just really need it for internet and writing. Needs to be reloaded. I'm sure that must be the problem because surely no one would have ever used something intentionally for any length of time that acts like this does. It's not too slow but just unresponsive, and SELECTIVE about it's unresponsiveness. Backspace takes an enternity, can't login in to myspace, can't log in to blogger, but I can log in to gmail (where this post is about to come from). You tube videos skip and stutter even when fully buffered. Sometimes I think it's giving me the bird, it zipped thru the Flash update until the last 4 files. Wasn't done when I got up for work, but it was done when I got home. If this was all I had to use I would be inventing new swear words. Welcome to the world of Mac, the PC's retarded cousin.

However it has given me the silence I was looking for earlier... and an error when sending from Gmail in Safari (used IE and Dragon's Blood).

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